Allegheny County and the Army Corps of Engineers have confirmed that the Latodami upper fields are the preferred disposal site for 350,000 cubic yards of dredge material that will removed from North Park Lake.
Turning Latodami into a disposal site for dredging material would result in loss of breeding and nesting areas, protective cover, travel corridors, preferred food sources, and resting areas for resident and transient wildlife species.
Send comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mr. Larry Moskovitz, Project Planner, email: If you have viable suggestions on alternative sites and or uses for the dredged material please include them in your comments E-mail for more information on how you can help.
The Latodami Environmental Education Center provides a variety of opportunities to school groups, organized clubs and the general public. Located in North Park, in Western Pennsylvania; Latodami was identified in the 2001 Allegheny County Comprehensive Master Plan as an important Biological Zone and was recommended for continued use as an Open Space Reserve. It further recommended maintaining a variety of habitats including the retention of existing meadows and fields. Latodami consists of a barn, a pond, stream and wetland habitats, and 300 acres of forest and fields. Thirteen trails meander throughout the various habitats and invite exploration of this unique area. The 1914 Pennsylvania bank barn (with its authentic tile silo), stands as a monument to the area’s agricultural past and serves as Latodami’s interpretive center. Meg Scanlon, the park naturalist, maintains an office in a small cottage that was once the home of the farm boss. A few outbuildings and an old country mansion are also a part of the complex. Latodami is a sanctuary to more than 200 species of birds that either nest here or use it as a stop over during migration.
Some species that breed here include tree swallows, warblers, wild turkeys and bluebirds. Red-tailed hawks are often seen soaring on the air currents. Take the North Trail to Skyline Trail to take advantage of the bird blind located in the upper fields. Or follow the Observation Trail to the observation deck. Some wildlife species that have been sighted include white tailed deer, fox, groundhog, squirrels, and chipmunks. The Friends of Latodami Environmental Education Center want to preserve this important biological area for this generation and the next. We hope you will visit Latodami and experience the wildlife and natural plants of the area first hand, learn about habitat and conservation, and hike the many trails. If you are interested in further information please email inquiries to
Friends of Latodami Environmental Education Center is an independent group that supports Latodami’s mission.
It is not officially affiliated with Allegheny County.