Echoes of the Four Directions serves as a tool for public and private groups to educate and create a greater understanding and awareness of the diversity of Native American Indigenous (Indian) people and cultures through sensual and visual interpretive programs using lectures, displays, demonstrations, as well as visual and performing arts.
We specialize in; but are not limited to school programs. Both assembly and class room style programs are available from preschool to university level for any size group.

Newsmakers you should know: Couple dedicated to sharing Native American culture
Earl and Lenora “Lee” Dingus may be Native Americans, but that doesn’t mean they live in a teepee, wear feathers and war paint or ride horses to work.
Echoes of the Four Directions will work with business, corporations, organizations, and all levels of government agencies to facilitate cultural diversity workshops, lectures and programs. In addition; Academicians can register for a 3-credit course; Native American Anthropology and History that is taught at Community College of Allegheny College by Echoes of the Four Directions founders.
Echoes of the Four Directions is available for the more adventurous and outdoor people for programs that feature Native American survival skills and knowledge that include lectures and hands on experience using both contemporary and traditional ways and knowledge.
The lectures, presenters, facilitator, performers and artists for Echoes of the Four Directions are Earl Dingus, Aniyunwiyatsalagi (Cherokee) an accomplished traditional and contemporary silversmith and flutist; and Lenora “Lee” Dingus Haudenosaunee (Seneca), an accomplished traditional and contemporary bead and quill artist.

Native American (Indian) Nature and Survival Skills Workshops and Courses
Spend a few hours, a day or a couple of days, exploring our natural world here on Turtle Island and learning Native American and Contemporary outdoor survival skills! Learn survival basics from both a Cherokee and Seneca. One instructor is a Certified by National Search and Rescue Technician and the other has many years experience in the outdoors.
Courses can be designed to your particular audience ranging from 16 years old and up. Subjects that can be covered are making primitive tools, fire building from primitive to contemporary, natural and commercial adaptable shelters, directional finding, emergency and survival foods, clothing, what to pack, vehicle survival skills and equipment. The psychology and history of survival. Courses are a combination of hands on, lectures, discussions, scenarios, and role playing. Courses also come with insight and discussion on Native Americans and Native American culture as related to the Natural World sometimes using stories, music and open discussions.
Call 412-885-5097 for pricing, dates, availability and other details.

Proud Parter of the Arts Education Collaborative.
Since 1998, Arts Ed Collaborative has been partnering with educators to unlock the transformative power of the arts in southwestern Pennsylvania. We offer professional learning programs for arts educators, school district support to strengthen K–12 arts programs, evaluation and consulting services, and convenings that highlight innovative practices in arts education.
Take a look at our programs to see how Arts Ed Collaborative can support the arts in your context. Together, we can make the arts central to learning.
artlook® SWPA is YOUR place for arts learning data
artlook® SWPA is the only platform of its kind in
Pennsylvania that combines data from schools and arts learning program
providers (like you!). The goal is to build direct connections between arts
providers and schools to expand equitable access to quality arts education
programming for every young person in our community—regardless of appearance,
ability, income, or zip code.
get started, follow the links in the boxes below to share your organization’s
program and school partnership information.
you have any questions or need assistance, please contact artlook@artsedcollab.org.

Educating since 1977
Independently Established Since 1989